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rita fruit juiceFruit juice has about the same vitamin and mineral content as fresh fruit. It also contains the same beneficial plant chemicals -- such as flavonoids -- found in fresh fruit. The main difference is that the fruit juice doesn't have the fiber found in fresh fruit. As long as you get your recommended 25 grams of fiber per day from whole grains, fruits and vegetables, this doesn't matter. If you're craving a sweet drink, fruit juice is a much healthier option than soda or energy drinks.

We bring you the fresh, healthy, nutritional juice drink by applying creativity and innovation to natures bounty, since we are in the tropical region of Vietnam. On this land, it’s full of fresh fruit all year around, we collect and squeeze them into bottle, then ship to all around the world. 


ISO Certification
HALAL Certification
FDA Certification
Organic Certification
KOSHER Certification
HACCP Certification

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Catalog Product

Tropical Fruit Juice

Choosing The Perfect Fruit Juice : Fruit juice with milk , fruit juice with pulp , fruit juice carbonate ...

Tropical Fruit Juice

Fruit Juice

Chia and Basil Seed

Choosing The Perfect Chia and Basil Seed : Chia seed with fruit juice , Basil seed with fruit juice ...

Chia and Basil Seed

Chia and Basil Seed

Coconut Water

Choosing The Perfect Coconut Water : Coconut water with pulp , sparlking coconut , coconut with fruit juice ...

Coconut Water

Coconut Water

Milk Series

Choosing The Perfect Coconut milk , Coffee milk , Yoghurt , Frui juice with milk , Aloe vera with milk ...

Frui Juice with Milk

Milk Series

Coffee Drink

Choosing The Perfect Coffee : Latte , Mocha , Cappuccino , Fench , Coconut with coffee , Coffee wit fruit flavor ...

Coffee Drink

Coffee Drink

Energy Drink

Choosing The Perfect Energy Drink : Energy drink carbonate, Vitamine , Sport drink ...

Energy Drink

Energy Drink

Aloe Vera Juice

Choosing The Perfect Aloe Vera : Aloe vera with pulp , Aloe vera with milk , Aloe vera with chia seed, Aloe vera with fruit flavor ...

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice

Spakling Water

Spakling Water

Choosing The Perfect Spakling Water : Spakling coconut water , Spakling water with fruit flavor ...

Spakling Water

Sparkling Water